Category Archives: Rights

All Framed Out

Got started today around 0800 when my friend Eric arrived.  With the exception of installing a few pieces backwards and not installing the extra bolts when the instructions said to and having to back track and correct those, it went really well. Could not have done it without the help of my Bud Eric though.

As you can see in the photos above we got everything done minus putting the door and windows in , and then installing the clear panels.  The shot of the tarps show that we whittled down the number of parts. Tomorrow I hope to get the rest of it done.

Who Supports Your Right To Fish??????

Just another reason I support a change….re-enforces why I will vote Obama out!!!!*S8bZNrx*eZtMmyXvp1-*q9IbZbDUZ9Y93DIddVHWVQ6SbO0GFYwQgIKcst3I7A__/bilde.jpg

Governor Romney Supports Rec Fishing

And lest we forget the Walton Foundation(ie Wal-Mart ,Sams)..Enemy Number One to Sportsmen and commercial fishermen….

The Walton Foundations 2011 Grant Report